Welcome To MTA

We are a member of the Federation of International Translators (FIT-IFT), a coalition of international translation associations from almost 60 countries all around the world. Through its member associations FIT represents and fights for the moral and material interests of more than 60,000 translators from five continents.

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Latest Activities

International Translation Day 2024

Translation, an art worth protecting. Inspired by issues surrounding copyright, this year’s International Translation Day (ITD) theme embraces the recognition of translations as original creative works in their own right, owed

International Conference on Terminology (PERANTIS) 2024

DISCOUNT 10% FOR MEMBER OF PPM (please attach your membership card/certificate to get the discount) Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCOMU1MwtT28hACRJvpF5QsC_cQsOVPZq1kDMdgm52jYfA-A/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 For further information, visit https://lamanweb.dbp.gov.my/perantis/en/

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