About Us


Function of MTA

  • Operate, manage, administer translation services and translation results professionally, accurately and authoritatively.
  • Verify true, correct, accurate and quality translations in all aspects for all customers from government bodies & the private sector as well as within and outside the country.
  • Support and promote the recognition of translation as an authoritative career and enhance the status of translators among the community within and outside the country.
  • Build and upgrade translators and experts in the field of translation.
  • Fighting for the rights, status and interests of translators in terms of morals and material.


Improving the field of translation by competent and professional translators so that their work complies with and reaches the level of standards and practices recognized at the national and international levels.


  • To produce a high quality translation work that matches the meaning in the original text.
  • To advance and fight for the rights and interests of translators in terms of morals and material.
  • To support and promote the recognition of translation as a respected career, and enhance the status of translators in the community.
  • Operate and administer translation services professionally, accurately and authoritatively.


Malaysian Translators Association (MTA) is a voluntary professional body established under the auspices of Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP), a statutory body under the Ministry of Education Malaysia on the awareness of the need to establish an organization in an effort to promote, protect and further sustain professionalism among translators in Malaysia. It is also hoped that this body will be able to fight for and recognize their position internationally.

MTA was registered on 4 October 1979 and has begun to be active in activities related to translation collectively among translators, interpreters, linguists, terminologists and lexicographers, professional editors in Malaysia. Today, MTA has more than 1,600 members comprising scholars, scientists, writers, editors and researchers in the field of translation, and practitioners of translation and interpretation, both full-time and part-time.

Among the fundamental purpose of the association headquartered in Kuala Lumpur include deepen and strengthen cooperation between them in order to deepen knowledge on and improve the quality of their translations as well as to contribute positively to the efforts to increase the reading and enrich the literature in Malay covering all areas of knowledge.


National Laureate Emeritus Prof. Dr. Muhammad Haji Salleh

Tan Sri Azizah Abdul Ghani

Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mohd Mansor Haji Salleh

Emeritus Prof. Abdullah Hassan

Organization Chart