A virtual Extraordinary Congress was held on 12 June 2021, 2 pm (Paris time)/8 pm (Malaysia time), to enable delaying Statutory Congress and the XXII World Congress to Jun/June 2022, with the hope that all members/potential participants should be able to travel again.
Three delegates have attended the meeting on behalf of Malaysian Translators Association (MTA):
Assoc. Professor Dr. Hasuria Che Omar (Vice-President) as the head delegation, and Prof. Emeritus Abdullah Hassan (President), and Mdm Saodah Abdullah (Honorary Secretary) as delegates.
The congress discussed and 4 motions tabled:
- Ratification of the decisions of the Council for the holding of the FIT 2021 Extraordinary Congress as they are stated in the Convening Letter dated 6 May 2021
- Motion: “The FIT 2021 Extraordinary Congress resolves to ratify the decisions made by the FIT Council for the holding of the FIT 2021 Extraordinary Congress as they are stated in the Convening Letter dated 6 May 2021.”
- Postponement of the Statutory Congress and the XXII World Congress – Discussion and vote
- Motion: “The FIT 2021 Extraordinary Congress resolves to postpone the Statutory Congress and the XXII World Congress (originally scheduled for December 2020 and first postponed to December 2021) to 30 and 31 May 2022 and 1–3 June 2022, respectively, with the venue remaining unchanged.”
- Authorisation to convene a virtual Statutory Congress, if necessary – Discussion and vote
- Motion: “The FIT 2021 Extraordinary Congress resolves to authorise FIT Council to convene a virtual Statutory Congress in June 2022 should it prove impossible to hold a face-to-face meeting due to the coronavirus pandemic and global travel restrictions.”
- Authorisation to co-opt Council members – Discussion and vote
- Motion: “The FIT 2021 Extraordinary Congress resolves to authorise FIT Council to co-opt members to FIT Council for the remainder of the 2017-2020 mandate.”
The Eligo voting system was adopted successfully for the voting of the four motions.